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May you go through your life in harmony with nature and the great mystery!

With this Indian blessing, we invite you to experience the beauty and tranquility of the magical island of Ibiza. We will dance, sing, meditate, celebrate our passions and joy, and weave powerful medicine into our lives. During our stay we will also explore techniques to help us maintain our beauty, keep our bodies fit and explore some delicious healthy eating options. A retreat into the arms of Mother Nature in the Eco Lodge, "El Paisito".

september 12-16, 2023

Shamanic - Women - Retreat

Return to your spiritual essence

- we explore and enjoy the body through yoga, meditation and dance

- indulge in light, delicious food and learn healthy eating habits

-we cultivate contact with our natural femininity

-the silence in nature renews us with fresh energy

Women's circle and shamanism

The women's circle, the oldest form of group work, has an enormous healing potential. In a women's circle, we empower each other, connect with our feminine wisdom, and learn how to integrate it into our daily lives.

We will work with shamanic rituals that are instructive in their simplicity and beauty.

Everything that exists is alive and full of spirit. Everything in life is interconnected, so what we think, do and say has an impact on everything else and the whole. From this understanding comes responsibility, mindfulness, empathy and love.

4 days residential workshop, with Zorah Leduc and Beatrice Ibiza, 990€

To reserve your place, paypal 300€ to



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